For a more detailed explanation of client / contact import, see our Client Import Guide.
If you have a spreadsheet list of clients and/or client contacts, you can import these into your Pixie client list. Click Clients at the top, then click the three-dot icon at the top of the client list and choose Import data from a CSV file.

The first step is to import the client list, then you can import client contacts. It’s crucial that both spreadsheets are formatted correctly, so we’ve provided templates you can start from. Click Download sample files.

This will take you to a help desk article, where you can scroll down for links to download the client spreadsheet and contact spreadsheet.

The client template spreadsheet has an Instructions sheet, where you can read about how the template works, and a Clients tab which contains the spreadsheet structure you’ll need for importing. For the import to work successfully, the orange and yellow column headers must not be changed. You can edit, delete, or add any gray column headers; each gray header will produce a field that can be seen in the Client details.

After you populate your client spreadsheet, and save it as a file with just one worksheet, use the Import Clients button to bring the list into Pixie.

Once you’ve imported your clients, you can bring in the client contacts. The contacts template is similar to the one for clients: column headers in orange and yellow cannot be changed, and you can edit, delete, or add gray columns.

When adding contacts to this spreadsheet, it’s crucial that the Company name cell for each contact is an exact match for a company name in the Pixie client list. For example, if you add a client called “ABC Corp,” and a contact for this client uses the company name of “ABC Ltd,” the contact will not be added to the correct client.
After you populate your contact spreadsheet, and save it as a file with just one worksheet, use the Import Contacts button to bring the list into Pixie.

See also: